Thursday, August 30, 2012

Subs for the Ride with Tommy! next week, September 1-8, 2012

I will be out of town for a week and I wanted to provide you all with a list of the amazing subs who will be instructing my classes while I am away:

Saturday, September 1, 9:30am - Beth Phillips
Monday, September 3, 9:30am - Gayle Basset - LABOR DAY!
Tuesday, September 4, 7:00am - Guy B.
Wednesday, September 5, 9:30am - Guy B.
Thursday, September 6, 7:00am - Brian Patacca
Friday, September 7, 9:30am - Gayle Basset
Saturday, September 8, 9:30am - Ryan Taylor

Thanks to all of the amazing instructors who will be subbing for me while I am away. I hope all of you stay committed to your workout routines and schedules and support these extremely talented instructors. You will have a great time and a great workout I promise!

There will be special gym hours on Monday, Labor Day. CRUNCH will be open from 7:00am until 7:00pm. There will be no 7:00am class on Labor Day, so Gayle Bassett will be teaching the first class of the day (my 9:30am class which will NOT be a Red Line Ride class while I am away).

In good health,


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