Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays @ 9:30am
Thursdays @ 6:30am (*Sexy Spin!)
(Miracle Mile location)
Tuesdays @ 6:30am
What a great February! Thank you all for your support (not just in February, but always!) but especially of the Sexy Artist Spins in the month of February. I am so blessed! Not only to have so many dedicated, committed, hard-working, fun and sexy people in class each week, but to also have friends who are so gifted and talented and willing to share their talent with us in a unique, different and special class each week. Many thanks again to Guy B, Debby Holiday, Shane Mack, and Jason & deMarco! A very sexy and talented group! Wow! Within the month, I was not only able to mix some of my favorite songs of theirs into my classes, but I was also able to see most of them live! Guy B performed at his CD release and birthday party; Debby Holiday performed an amazing duet with Levi Kreis at Tom Whitman's Player Sundays at Here Lounge; and I saw Shane Mack perform at Genghis Cohen on Fairfax. And I was also introduced into some new music from Jason & deMarco! A very special thanks to Guy, Debby, Shane and Jason & deMarco! Please take a minute to visit their websites and/or myspace pages. I have most of their links on the right hand column of this page. Check 'em out and support 'em!
And yes, this past Saturday, I did play a few songs from Dreamgirls. And Jennifer Hudson won last night at the Oscars! Hmmm...do you think there is a connection?...coincidence?...hmmm...
In good health,
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