Tuesday, April 02, 2019

TWO WEEKS ONLY!! Come Ride with Tommy! Wednesday mornings April 3rd & April 10th, 2019, 7:00am (Sunset)

You heard that right! I will be subbing for Kurt for the next two weeks on Wednesday mornings at 7:00am at Crunch on Sunset! So for the next two weeks, you can Ride with Tommy! 3 mornings in a row at 7:00am! So come join me for this very limited time!

Tue 7:00am - Peak Performance Ride (Sunset)
Wed 7:00am - The Ride (Sunset)(April 3rd & April 10th only!)
Wed 9:30am - The Ride (Sunset)
Thu 7:00am - Sexy Spin (Sunset)
Thu 9:30am - The Ride (Burbank)

The Ride with Tommy! is a class that provides a form-focused, intense and fun Ride! If you want to take a class that allows you to pedal as fast as you can without focusing on resistance work and proper form, then this class isn't for you! The Ride with Tommy! requires you to commit to what I call the 3 Basics: Form, Pace & Resistance. At the very least, you will get a workout that will make a positive difference by committing to the 3 Basics! I also add specific movements to certain parts of the class to increase your heart rate (which will then in turn help increase the number of calories that you burn and along with proper diet and nutrition, can then lead to the burning of body fat! So if that happens to be your goal, it can happen right here!) The movements also use and strengthen your muscles (including your most important muscle - your heart muscle!) I change up the pace and the resistance levels to create challenges and obstacles that you have to work hard to overcome. You must work hard to get results. Committing to the intensity of the class is a must! You will need to make yourself uncomfortable. It is this pushing yourself out of your comfort zone that will increase your heart rate, your lung capacity, and your overall cardiovascular fitness levels. Finally, I also try to emphasize fun. I am one of the few instructors that uses primarily mainstream music to provide the track list to your workout. I subscribe to the belief that you can't please everyone all of the time, but you most certainly can please everyone some of the time! I want everyone to recognize and enjoy at least a song or two during the Ride. You may even want to sing along! Hopefully you will find that favorite song will motivate you to work even harder! It will help you have more fun! I try to play a variety of styles of music, but at the same time, I try to play music that is popular today whether it be pop, rap, hip-hop, R & B, rock, dance, etc. I also love to reach back a year or two or ten or twenty and grab that classic that can bring back a memory of an amazing time in your life. I jokingly say that I try to play the "best of the '80s, '90s and today!" There will be remixes and some songs that you will recognize directly off of the radio. Enjoy the Ride. Enjoy the music. Focus on proper form and the challenges that you can create. When you commit to having fun, the time flies by! So come Ride with Tommy! And for the next 2 weeks, there are even more opportunities to Ride with Tommy! Get your result-oriented workout done and over with quickly as you have fun while doing it! I hope to see you in class soon!

In good health,


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